The beginning of recovery. This journey is for the Post Natal period and up to 1 year following.
The program began on Saturday the 3rd of December and continued on Saturday the 10th December from 9.30- 10.30am. These two sessions detailed the workshop on the Post Natal body, run by Physiotherapist Rachel Canavan. The two initial sessions were for mothers to focus on themselves, learning technique and analysing their practice to aid recovery. The basics of Pilates was taught to the group in the sessions and a series of Post Natal exercises/ assessments were covered, some of the program exercises were specific to individuals.
Rachel has over ten years experience of working in this field and brings personal experience of rehabilitation following the births of three children. She has had to achieve significant levels of recovery to continue to teach both Pilates and dance. Rachel is inspired to help mothers achieve levels of recovery that exceed their own expectation.
Following feedback from some of the initial sessions we ran, some parents wanted an opportunity to focus on their personal rehabilitation, without bringing their child to an initial session. The format for the delivery of the program is to support some of these requests. Workshops offer an opportunity to deliver a large amount of information, so that you are well prepared before you begin weekly rehabilitation. If however, childcare is difficult for these sessions you are still welcome to bring your baby. We want to be as inclusive as possible.
Workshop sessions run slightly differently than a pilates class at Copperdot. This allows a different space and time for feedback and correction. Elements of the class will be taught, however, the specific program created on the Saturdays will be followed during each session. This will support both personal practice within the workshop and then at home.
The delivery is intended to be a cost effective opportunity for inclusion into the program.
Workshop Sessions begin in January 2023. The next workshop is coming soon.
Workshop sessions will then run in a weekly format and begin on the 11th January 2023, the sessions are taught by Physiotherapist Rachel. The sessions will be an opportunity for you and your baby to be together, for you to practice and receive instruction whilst doing the program of exercises at your own pace with feedback.
The weekly workshops will be on Wednesday’s at 11.00- 12.00, in the sessions there will be additional creative opportunities for you to involve your baby in your rehabilitation if you wish. These opportunities may support bonding, communication and playfulness between parent and child.
The weekly workshops will be charged in monthly blocks and are £7.50 per session if you have attended the initial sessions.
If you are unable to join the initial sessions or need to start later, you can also book a 1:1 session which will introduce you to the program, you will then be able to access the workshops. You may also wish to engage in additional 1:1 Physiotherapy sessions, as part of a further rehabilitation journey.
Following your rehabilitation you will then be able to enter Pilates Classes at Copperdot.
Please express your interest online and we will be in touch.